- Unbolt the top first
- Getting harnes on
- Lookouts
- The unbolting pair
- Getting to the top
- Lookouts
- Unbolting
- Top is down
- Unbolting the mast
- Checking it out
- Checking it out
- Watch out below
- Here comes some parts
- Here comes some parts
- Fill the basket
- Watch out below
- Fill the basket
- Check out the ropes
- Some parts down
- Family looks on
- Lookouts
- Lookouts
- Wheres the wrench?
- Get the big one
- Swing it around
- It's not too heavy
- Whoo
- Down angle point
- Here it comes
- Here it comes
- Still going down
- Top gone
- Top gone
- Out to the front
- Disassemble
- Disassemble
- A piece at a time
- Slow going
- Help from below
- A piece at a time
- A piece at a time
- More pieces
- Only a ittle to go
- Some more down
- A piece at a time
- Bucket of bolts
- More above
- Here he goes
- Only holes left
- Only holes left
- Break when done
- Break when done